Sunday 5 June 2016

健康护理介绍 Introduce Health Treatment

一、活血袪瘀: 刮痧可調節肌肉的收縮和舒張,以促進刮拭組織周圍的血液循環,從而達 到活血化瘀的作用。 
二、調整陰陽平衡: 刮痧對內臟功能有明顯的調整陰陽平衡的作用,如腸蠕動亢進者,在腹部 和背部等處刮痧,可使亢進者受到抑制而恢復正常。反之,腸蠕動功能減退 者,則可促進其蠕動恢復正常。

Scraping effect
 A, blood stasis and eradicates: Scraping can regulate muscle contraction and relaxation, wiping the surrounding tissue to promote blood circulation, so as to achieve the role of blood circulation. 
Second, adjusting the balance of yin and yang: Scrapping of visceral significant adjustment of yin and yang balance of effects, such as peristalsis hyperthyroidism, scraping in the abdomen and back, etc., can be suppressed hyperthyroidism and back to normal. Conversely, bowel dysfunction, can promote their motility returned to normal.



4、减压的作用:在机体自我调整中产生行气活血、舒筋活络、消肿止痛、祛风除湿等功效, 起到一种良性刺激,促其恢复正常功能的作用。
Cupping effect 
1, can body moisture, cold, tissue penetration through the skin out, thereby eliminating evil, let the spirit of times.
2, because the body's meridians, acupuncture points and organs are connected to the same, so by external suction will stimulate points on the body surface, and then through the meridians bones, so that the corresponding internal organs conditioning, makes blood flow, physical Fitness.
3, the body of local tissue damage, and other symptoms of lumbar disc herniation, cupping also have a certain effect, long-term regular cupping, can relieve pain, relieve symptoms.
4, the role of decompression: generating body self-adjustment in qi and blood circulation, Shujin, swelling and pain, Qufengchushi other effects, play a benign stimulus, and promote its return to normal function.
5, thermal effects: Cupping warm to local skin irritation, and a large cupping, jugs, bottles of medicine, the most obvious.
6, regulate the body's balance of yin and yang: Because after cupping own hemolysis, then produce a class of substances histamine, ......

Ear candling Treatment
 Ear candling from the ancient birthplace is unknown, some say China, Tibet, and some say Egypt, some say North America. Ear candle making raw materials are generally linen or cotton soaked in wax after hardening and became an inside hollow candles. According to online video for some manufacturers introduce their products a diameter of 6 mm to 12 mm, the choice of natural beeswax, containing a number of herbs and aromatherapy ingredients. Some ear candling contains sage, Roman chamomile, rose, rosemary, honey. It was also in newspaper DIY, after dipping into the ear candle wax roll or funnel-shaped pottery installed herbal lit instead.
Ear candling functions
Help to improve the ear organ function and its ministries,
Flow pipes and intracranial pressure balance within the cranial cavity,
Regulate central nervous system and promote circulation.
Ear candle through the stimulation function as eardrum
For the middle ear,
Since the middle ear through the ossicles semicircular canals of the inner ear effect,
Cochlea to the auditory and balance the central fiber.
Ear lymphoid tissue by stimulating the ear candle generated
Circulation, metabolism and body defense mechanism was
To improve,
To achieve harmony with the physical and mental health.

Apakah beza antara bekam darah VS Derma Darah ?

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